Are you looking for special Ramadan activities with kids? From creating family crafts and making special treats, to brainstorming about charity projects and visiting the local mosque, there are so many ways families can come together and make this religious time joyful.
Whether you’ve been observing Ramadan all your life or have recently begun the practice, these fun-filled activities will help educate children while bringing the whole family closer. Read on if you want creative ideas that add more meaning – and more fun! – to a holy month of prayer and reflection.

How Do Children Celebrate Ramadan?
Kids typically don’t start the act of fasting until about 11 or 12 years old, but there are plenty of ways to help young children join in the festivities from an early age.
Children can participate in special activities that help them learn about the importance of the holy month such as reciting verses from the Quran and performing acts of charity. Many children enjoy decorating their homes with colorful streamers, rangoli patterns and lanterns to mark the occasion.
Children also look forward to spending time with family and friends exchanging gifts and sharing meals. During Ramadan, many children find joy in gathering together for nightly prayers, breaking fast together and engaging in activities like art, games and sports that help keep them entertained through the festivities.
11 Great Ramadan Activities for Kids
So, what are the best Ramadan activities to keep your kids engaged in Ramadan all month long?
We’ve rounded up our favorite Ramadan activities for kids of all ages to help you get started with your holiday planning
11 Fun Ramadan Activities for Kids
Discover a world of excitement and joy with our blog on Fun Ramadan Activities for Kids! From engaging scavenger hunts to delightful arts and crafts projects, explore our collection of ideas that will make this Ramadan an unforgettable experience for your little ones.
When Ramadan rolls around it can be easy to forget about the littlest ones in our homes. They’re not quite old enough to really know what’s going on but they might be big enough to want to be in on the action.
This Ramadan sensory box is a great activity for young kids to start exploring Ramadan themes in an age appropriate way.
This is another great Ramadan activity for the youngest kids in the household. These free color by number worksheets are a great option to keep little hands busy! They’re easy enough for kids of most ages and a great way to help kids celebrate this beautiful part of Islamic culture.
The coloring pages are easy to download and while there are suggestions of colors there’s no reason kids can’t choose their own!
Moroccan-style lanterns are quite beautiful and often admired in homes by others so why not let the children have fun in creating their very own to have in their rooms as well? If you’re looking for a simple craft that is easy, simple, and fun, let the kids be as creative as they want with their own lanterns.
This cute Ramadan craft can be made in any color(s) that you like. Make your home shine this holiday season with these homemade pieces of art!
The moon plays an important role during Ramadan. Muslims look to the crescent moon to mark the beginning of the holy month, and use its presence in the night sky as a sign that it is time for fasting, contemplation and prayer. During Ramadan, the moon is often more visible than usual, and the sight of the full moon is especially special, as it symbolizes the end of the holy month for Muslims all over the world.
Get kids involved in the tradition of moon sighting with their own pair of homemade binoculars which can be used at the start and end of Ramadan.
Giving up bad habits and trying to perform good deeds are an important piece of the Ramadan celebration. Help your children keep track of their good deeds throughout the month with this homemade Good Deeds Tree.
You can set the goal for them to complete the tree by the last day of Ramadan, and encourage them throughout the month with ways they can add leaves to the tree (help set the Iftar table, be kind to their siblings, etc).
Ramadan is a great time to get kids excited to help in the kitchen. One of the staples in every Muslim home during this month is dates, and in my home, that means Medjool dates.
Stuffed Medjool dates are a great recipe to introduce kids to - they are easy to prepare and they will be eaten quickly by guests at your Iftar table, giving kids fulfillment that they were able to contribute to the Ramadan festivities.
What kid doesn’t get excited to help bake and eat sugar cookies!?
What I love the most about these kinds of cookies is that you can get everyone involved – even little kids. This gives them, even more, connection to the holiday.
Sure plates of tiny perfectly made cookies might look nice, but this is about more than aesthetics!
Ramadan cupcakes are a fun option to bring to an iftar, especially if there are kids at the party. Bring all of the supplies and let the kids design and decorate their own. Not only will they be happy to have something fun to do, it could help distract new fasters from those final hours of the fast when things get hard.
There’s minimal prep work required, making it an easy (and tasty) activity!
This is one way to make a very simple DIY Ramadan lantern. A great project for kids of all ages.
These Ramadan lanterns are a little more complex and require some cutting and gluing. A better option for young elementary-aged children.
This is a great activity for older kids (or adults) who have are able to do something that is a bit more complex. Create the sequences of the Ramadan moon with this cool wall hanging that can be up year-round.
Fill A Sadaqah Jar
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Sadaqah is both rewarding for the giver and appreciated by those who benefit from it; making it an essential part of honoring Ramadan.
Kids love to gather change and small amounts of money to donate at this time of year, and it’s a great way to introduce Sadaqah to them. You can buy a special Sadaqah box for them to fill or they can decorate their own jar.
Ramadan is a special and holy month for Muslims all over the world. It is a time to celebrate with family, friends, and loved ones.
If you have children, there are many fun activities that you can do with them to introduce them to the meaning of Ramadan and help them join in on the festivities. From making lanterns to decorating the house, there are plenty of ways to make this special month even more enjoyable for your little ones.
So what activities will you choose for your kids this Ramadan?
More Ramadan Ideas For Families
If you’re looking for inspiration or ideas for your family for Ramadan, look no further! Try some of these ideas!