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10 Arabic Soup Recipes to Warm You Up

When the weather gets cooler one of the first things I reach for is a big bowl of soup. Growing up most of the soups we had included some sort of meat and noodles. However since moving to Morocco and traveling I’ve learned a lot about soup in the rest of the world.

Arabic soups are eaten not just for lunch or dinner but can be found on the breakfast table too. This really surprised me. But these are examples of easy Arabic recipes that are eaten all times of day. When I traveled to Asia I learned breakfast soups were common there as well. I’ve been missing out on soup for breakfast all this time!

Whether you’re an equal opportunity soup lover – eating it all times of the day or are just looking for the perfect Arabic-inspired soup dish to cap off your next dinner party, one of these soups will fit the bill.

10 Arabic Soup Recipes to Warm You Up

Stir up some of these great Arabic recipes to warm you up this winter.

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