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20 Quince Recipes to Try This Fall

In Morocco, produce is completely seasonal. This means if it’s not the right season you won’t find it. Before moving here I had never heard of a quince, let alone eaten one. There are a lot of quince fruit recipes but the most common here is cooked in a tajine with beef or lamb. The first time I encountered it I was hooked.

But they really do need to be cooked.


It won’t hurt you but really the taste is just not that good. They can be used in similar ways to apples, pears or stone fruit. They also make a great jelly or paste. Pair that with some good cheese and I promise you will be a happy camper.

  1. Chicken and Walnut Tajine with Quince Paste from marocmama.com
  2. One Pot Beef and Quince Tagine from marocmama.com 
  3. Autumn Porridge With Poached Quince from lazycatkitchen.com
  4. Ginger, Vanilla And Quince Upside-down Cake from bojongourmet.com
  5. Persian Quince Jam from unicornsinthekitchen.com
  6. Coq Au Vin With Quince from monpetitfour.com
  7. Quince Jelly from twolazygourmets.com
  8. Quince, Pumpkin, Eggplant And Quinoa Salad from littlebigh.com
  9. Slow Cooker Pear-Quince Butter from girlversusdough.com
  10. Spiced Quince Jam from afreshlegacy.net
  11. Quince Tarte Tatin With Chantilly Cream from simply-delicious-food.com
  12. Pickled Quince from kitchenkonfidence.com
  13. Quince Pumpkin Pots De Creme from almondcorner.blogspot.com
  14. Pumpkin, Butter Beans and Thyme with Roasted Quince from Nigel Slater
  15. Quince Cardamom Tapioca Pudding from melangery.com
  16. Red Quinces, Haloumi And Rye from hungryaustralian.com
  17. Quince And Marzipan Cake from nutmegsseven.co.uk
  18. Honey Panna Cotta With Roasted Quince And Honeycomb from merci-mama.com
  19. Apple And Quince Tarte Tatin from pixelatedcrumb.com
  20. Vanilla Poached Quince from playinwithmyfood.com

I know quince’s aren’t available everywhere – I never came across one where we lived in the US. The good news is you can buy quince in different ways.

So if you’re in need check out these great quince products to make your fall food dreams come true.

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09/19/2024 03:58 pm GMT

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