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Make Your Own Moroccan Spiced Olives

 One of my favorite snacks in Morocco are spiced olives with a fresh loaf of bread and some cheese.  I’ve never really cared to figure out how to make said olives because I thought they might lose some of their appeal.  


With a little direction from MarocBaba and my mother-in-law I figured out how to make them.  I think that these will become a staple in my fridge and on most every party table.  I think you’ll agree once you give them a try.

Moroccan Spiced Olives

Moroccan Spiced Olives


  • 1/2 lb green cracked olives with pits
  • 1 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 tbsp chopped cilantro
  • 1/2 onion chopped finely
  • 1 tsp crushed garlic
  • 1/2 tsp hot paprika
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 2-3 tbsp olive oil


In a saute pan add the olive oil, onions and garlic and cook on medium heat for about 5 minutes.

Add the olives, paprika, and cumin. Cook for 8 minutes longer. Finally add the cilantro and parsley, mix well and finish cooking for about 2 minutes longer.


If your olives are very salty, boil in water for 10 minutes before making this dish.  Drain the water before using – it will help remove some of the salt.

If you don’t want to go through the process of heating up the olives you can also mix olives with different things to create new flavors. Create an olive bar for your parties!

You’ll need olives of course, I think a variety works really well. Ingredients you’ll need;

Mix ins;

I have made these using regular canned olives from the grocery store and also using better quality, imported olives. I’ve linked to a company that sells Moroccan olives that are excellent. But if you don’t have access to these go for another Mediterranean variety.

Sharing is caring!

Linda J

Saturday 22nd of June 2024

I just ate some Moroccan Spiced Olives I got at Publics. Once I got past the burn on lips, tongue and gums, they are good. And makes my nose run. Might be good for head cold.

Amanda Mouttaki

Sunday 23rd of June 2024

oh goodness they shouldn't be that explosive!

Colin Duffy

Saturday 23rd of November 2019

If I were to buy Moroccan olives as a gift, how long would they last?

Amanda Mouttaki

Monday 25th of November 2019

If they are sealed and refrigerated they typically last a few weeks. Depends a little on the type you get.

How to Create a Great Moroccan Snacking Board - MarocMama

Saturday 5th of October 2019

[…] flavored olives […]


Friday 19th of August 2011

YUMMI! how can you do this to us during ramadan! lol


Friday 19th of August 2011

Now you have to go make it!!


Friday 19th of August 2011

Have u ever had friendship bread??

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