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Lemonade with Mixed Berry Ice Cubes

I hate going to parties where I am the only one not drinking alcohol and am stuck walking around with a glass of water. Not only do you feel like the odd man (or woman) out but it then invites all sorts of questions about why you’re not drinking.

Skip that at your next get together!

This is a very simple lemonade recipe and the use of mixed berries creates a beautiful color in the glass. No one needs to know it’s not alcohol unless you decide to let them know.

This is also a fantastic drink for kids! They feel like they’re really drinking something special and you can feel good know that all of the ingredients are natural.

The amount of sweetness is a suggestion but you can of course adjust up or down based on what you want. You could also use honey instead of a cane syrup if you want something a little more delicate.

One other suggestion is to experiment with the ice cubes. Mix in some light herbs like basil or mint if you want to give it a little hint of something different.

Lemonade with Mixed Berry Ice Cubes
Yield: 4

Mixed Berry Lemonade

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

A beautiful lemonade for your next party that is made using fresh ingredients.


  • Juice of 4 lemons
  • 2 additional lemons
  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 2/3 cup sugar cane syrup
  • 3 cups cold water


For this recipe you can use fresh mixed berries that you've frozen or you can use purchased frozen mixed berries. Whatever works for you!

1. If using fresh berries, divide mixed berries in an ice cube tray, cover with water and freeze overnight.

2. To make the lemonade, roll 4 lemons on a hard surface with your palm. It will help to release the extra juices. Cut the 4 lemons in half. Put a strainer on a medium bowl, then squeeze lemons, or use a citrus press to get all of the juice out.

3. Slice the additional 2 lemons into rings and add in a pitcher. Pour lemon juice, syrup and water into the pitcher. Mix with a spoon to combine everything.

4. Refrigerate until chilled.

5. Serve cold with berries ice cubes in glasses. Lemonade will turn a nice shade of red when the cubes melt.

Sharing is caring!

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