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How Can I Help Morocco Earthquake Victims?

On September 8, 2023 a 6.8 earthquake hit Marrakech and surrounding areas in the High Atlas Mountains. Many of these more rural areas were massively affected by structural damage as well as the loss of lives. If you are looking for ways to help support the people who have been impacted by this disaster I’ve collected a few options here.

On the Ground Assistance

If you are in Morocco and want to donate blood it is possible at the transfusion centers. They are listed below in most major cities. These are central repositories that distribute the blood where needed.

Mental Health Support

If you are someone who has been affected and are in need of support. You can get mental health assistance in English, French, Darija and Tamazight.

Financial Donations

There are several organziations who are taking donations for assistance and this need will only continue to grow as the impact and needs are better known. Some of the reputable organizations I support include;

The Amal Women’s Center

This is a long-term relationship I have with this organization and I can guarantee 100% of donations will go to assist those in need. Any donation to Amal is automatically matched meaning any donation is doubled.

Donate Here (via donate button on website)

Amis Des Ecoles

An educational organization for children that serves the High Atlas areas and is supported by our friends at Mushmina. This is another reputable organization that is trusted.

Donate Here

Global Diversity Foundation

This organization works with farmers and and environmental welfare organizations in the High Atlas Communities. They too are well respected and have a network of people on the ground ready to meet the needs of people most affected.

Donate Here

Education for All

This is another organization that helps support youth in rural areas of Morocco. They too have networks and support systems in place throughout the High Atlas.

Donate Here

Eva Branson Foundation

Already working in the High Atlas communities with vulnerable populations. This organization has the ability to reach a population they already know and can support readily.

Donate Here

World Central Kitchen

If you are unfamiliar with this organizations’ work it is fantastic. They are extremely reputable and do amazing work throughout the world whenever there is a disaster. The focus is on getting people fed and using local organizations, recipes and food styles to make it happen. This is also a tax-deductible donation.

Donate Here

SOS Children’s Villages

I have previously toured one of their facilities here in Morocco and spoken with their organization. I trust that this organization will be a steward in donation distribution to those most vulnerable.

Donate Here

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