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Moroccan Mint Tea

It’s that time of year when there are many (many!) get togethers and events to host and attend.  Maybe you’re hosting and maybe you’ve just been asked to bring along something to nibble.

I can’t believe I haven’t posted a recipe for how to make Moroccan mint tea but realized now would be a great time.  This is a great Moroccan drink for adults and kids.  Even people who don’t like tea love Moroccan tea!

Moroccan Mint Tea

Moroccan tea doesn’t come in a tea bag.  It’s brewed loose and you will get pieces of tea leaves and mint in your cup.  Don’t worry it settles to the bottom and it’s customary to always leave just a little bit of sediment there.  To make the tea you will need;

  • loose green tea.  Chinese Gunpowder tea is the most commonly used variety.
  • Mint.  Fresh mint is the best but if it’s not in season or expensive dried mint also works
  • Sugar.
  • Water (of course)

I use a metal teapot, like is shown above but a ceramic pot also works.

This recipe is based on a 16oz capacity teapot.

Place your tea kettle on to boil.

Then add 2 heaping teaspoons of loose tea to your teapot.

If you’re using fresh mint add 5-6 springs into the pot – you may need to stuff it in!

Finally add 4-5 teaspoons of sugar.  Is this a lot of sugar? Yes.  But the sugar is key.

If you served a Moroccan tea with out sugar they probably would be too polite to say anything but would wonder what in the world was going on.

When your water has boiled pour it into the teapot.

If you are using a metal teapot, place it onto your burner and turn up the heat.

You will want the water to boil again as a way to steep the tea.

If you are using a ceramic tea pot, allow the tea to steep for about 5 minutes before serving.

Tea is served in small glass cups.

It’s a skill to pour the correct way which is holding the tea pot with one handed and raising the stream as high as possible.

This action creates bubbles on the top of the tea cup – the more bubbles the better. It’s common to see the host pour a glass of tea and then pour it back into the tea pot.  This may happen several times.  It’s a way to circulate the tea before serving.  This may seem like a complicated way to prepare tea but the results are well worth it!

On an interesting note the level of sweetness varies regionally.  The further south in the country you go the sweeter the tea gets.  I have a friend from northern Morocco who makes tea one way but always doubles the sugar when my husband is at the table.

What about tea bags?

If you’re thinking this is all more than you’d like to deal with you can of course always use tea bags. There are several different brands of Moroccan mint tea that are very good. Here are some of my favorites;

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Ready to have your own Moroccan tea party? I’ve put together this guide that will let you pull off your own party with no stress. Inside you’ll get recipes, printables and ideas to make your party a success.

Sharing is caring!


Tuesday 7th of April 2020

My mint is not up yet (well it's peeking through the ground), so I have to use dried mint for now. About how much dried mint should we use? Thanks so much & wishing you and your family well.

Amanda Mouttaki

Thursday 9th of April 2020

I use about a palmful but it really is up to you how minty you like it!

Cherry Bomb for Holiday Drinks and Appetizers #SundaySupper

Friday 15th of February 2019

[…] Moroccan Mint Tea from MarocMama […]

Moroccan Spiced Tea - Khunjul - MarocMama

Tuesday 26th of June 2018

[…] this isn’t Moroccan mint tea – it’s far from it. This tea is loaded with spices and is said to have curative […]

Berber Pizza {Rghaif Shema} - MarocMama

Saturday 12th of May 2018

[…] This is best eaten hot and almost always served with a glass of Moroccan tea! […]


Sunday 13th of September 2015

Actually, the ideal way to make it is to pour some water over the green tea (without the mint), stir it a bit, then pour out that small amount. This allows the tea leaves to open up and to get rid of the bitterness. Then add the rest of the water to the pot. Put in the sugar and bring back to boil a second time to melt sugar. After a minute or two, take off the heat and add the fresh mint sprigs. Pour one glass out, put in back in the pot. Repeat one more time. The tea is now ready to serve... the higher the better!

Amanda Mouttaki

Sunday 13th of September 2015

I've always seen the mint go in with the tea, I think to also take the initial bitterness from the mint but I'm sure there are 1 million ways to do it!