Be Stomach Savvy – My Top 10 Tips To Avoid Getting Sick in Morocco

No one wants to get sick on vacation and there’s a lot of fear around getting a stomach illness.

While this is a real concern it’s not the only illness you should be prepared for.

For those adventurous spirits who have Morocco in their travel plans, read on for our best tips to stay healthy while visiting this beautiful country.

Some of the generally recommended vaccines include • DTP • Hepatitis A • Hepatitis B • MMR

Check The Vaccine Box

If you are prone to a weak stomach, talk to your doctor about taking some probiotics before your trip.

Tummy Time

Take Vitamin C before your travel. Luckily, Morocco is a mecca of sorts for fresh produce, so it is likely that you will have juices and fruits often.

C Me

In many parts of the country water is safe to drink (it’s not contaminated) but it does contain different bacterias that your body may not be used to.

Water Wonder

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