7 Tips for Buying a Moroccan Rug in Marrakech

When we moved to Marrakech I realized I have a small obsession with Moroccan rugs. By small what I really mean is that I have a big problem. I just can’t resist them! If your travels have you stopping in Marrakech you’ll find the souks are popping at the seams with rugs.

The good news is I’ve been through the wringer and have more than a decade of rug experience behind me, so I am sharing from first-hand experience. I hope these tips will help you with buying the Moroccan rugs.

In case you missed this point, you need to bargain for your rug. Do not, I repeat DO NOT accept the price offered to you in the shop. There are some, but very few, shops that have fixed prices. Always attempt to bargain first.

1. Bargain, Bargain, Bargain

Don’t let the shopkeeper catch on to it or you’ve lost one of your biggest bargaining chips. Instead, act nonchalant. Even look at more rugs so that you can eventually come back to the one you really want.

2. Don’t Appear Too Interested

Sometimes it can get a little (ok a lot) overwhelming when you start looking at rugs. There are SO many to choose from that after a while they can all start to blend together. Here are a few tips to help you find the right rug without losing your mind!

3. Selecting Your Rug

1. Have an idea of colors that you do or do not like. 2. Start by narrowing down the rugs you do like. The vendor will pull out rug after rug and lay them on the floor. 3. Keep in mind that the rooms you are viewing the rug in is likely to be a lot bigger than the room the rug will go in at home.

If you walk into a shop and are told a carpet is an antique Moroccan rug don’t automatically trust it, especially if you don’t know the difference. There is a whole industry of “aging” carpets that will be sold as antiques.

4. Antique and Aged

If you really want to buy an antique you need to be sure to do your research, so you know what you’re getting. Chances are also pretty good you won’t find rugs here that date beyond the 1920’s or 1930’s.

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