What to Wear in Morocco for All Situations!

One of the first questions people ask before coming is what to wear in Morocco. The answer to this varies widely. But, perhaps the most important to know is, there is no dress code in Morocco.

You are not required to dress in one way or another. People that live in Morocco dress in a wide variety of ways and do not expect visitors to dress as they do.

In the cities of Morocco, you will find people dressed in many different ways. You will see girls that are wearing shorts and tank tops and you’ll see women who have everything but their eyes covered. For men, the same applies.

How to Dress in Marrakech as a Female

In rural areas of the country, it’s advisable to dress more conservatively. This doesn’t mean you have to be covered head to toe. But, you should avoid wearing anything that shows off a lot of skin.

How to Dress in Morocco – Rural Morocco

Spoiler alert. There isn’t one. Appropriate clothing for Morocco is really what you’re looking for. There are no laws for the country governing what you can or can’t wear.

Morocco Dress Code

When visiting Morocco in hot temperatures, it’s important to wear loose, breathable clothing that allows air to circulate and helps to keep you cool.

What should I consider adding to my packing list for Morocco?

For women, long, flowy skirts or loose pants paired with breathable tops or tunics are great options. For men, lightweight, breathable pants or shorts paired with short-sleeved button-up shirts or breathable t-shirts are great options.

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