Can you kiss in public in Morocco?

There are a lot of questions people have when it comes to dating and public displays of affection in Morocco.

Please note, these are not my views on what should or shouldn’t be accepted. I am sharing what the situation is.

Morocco has laws relating to those things that are, “an act of aggression against Moroccan Muslim society and people” – kissing in public falls into this category.

Are there laws around public displays of affection in Morocco?

If you are a foreign couple visiting and you kiss no one is likely going to say anything to you – kissing in Morocco is not illegal.

While you might not get in trouble, it is highly frowned on to kiss or fondle each other in public. Moroccan society is changing however, it is still conservative in many ways.

It’s worth mentioning what’s generally acceptable; – A small kiss on the lips or cheek – Holding hands – Walking arm and arm – Sharing a short, brief hug

What’s not ok; – Making out and very passionate kissing – Touching in a sexual way in public – Hanging on each other or laying on each other in a public place

There are people who do find their way around rules but I am a firm believer in following the laws of the country you are living in or a guest in.

Other Types of Behavior That Fall Under Decency Laws

It is categorically illegal for non-married couples (where one partner is Moroccan) to share a hotel room, apartment, or any other rooming situation. This rule DOES NOT apply to foreign visitors.

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